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Second Story of Ning   

Transition from sex worker to Full time girlfriend, is it possible?

The Story of Ning, my First Friend in Thailand

The nuances of dating from another race and culture

What about Jay Walking?  Legal or Crime?

Law enforcement of sex work is not as simple as you think

What’s Going on with Digital Meeting in the USA? 

Finding love and sex in the digital age

A Deeper Look at Sex Work and Sex Trafficking

understanding cultures ensures you are not rescuing woman from a better life

What does CONSENT mean?

The word consent has its root in Feminism and no longer apt to todays stronger woman

Why is Understanding of Religion Important  to Understanding Sex Work

The bible set out the rules for married sex and monogamy but it it still viable today?

How I Found a Female Friend in the 21st Century

Selling water or selling sex? same same Handsome man!

HIV under control?

How to enjoy safe sex and HIV awareness in the modern age

No violence, no fear, no pimps.

Sex work in Thailand has a whole new meaning and culture to what is deemed normal in the West